Monday, 19 October 2015

Onsight Coaching

Another quick update.  Since starting my climbing coaching business back in September last year things have been going from strength to strength.  On top of my personal page I've now launches my business name although similar to my personal coaching business I am now bringing exciting new rock climbing courses.  From beginners first taste of rock, improver sessions to pushing some of the best climbers out there to achieve their goals.  For more information please go to the Courses Page.

Look forward to seeing you all out on rock soon!

Thursday, 2 April 2015

New Climbing and Coaching Website

So since my last post things have changed a lot.  I’m very proud to announce the launch of my new climbing coaching business.  This has been over 10 years in the making, but really started to come together in the last 9 months.  Primarily focused at performance based climbing coaching, I work with beginners to advanced climbers.  Working on Technique, fitness, strength and conditioning.  I’ve also work alongside leading Physiotherapist to over rehabilitation and injury prevention sessions.

My website includes a details profile of climbing and professional qualifications and experience.  A full breakdown of what I can offer clients.  My blog on the site starts off with a video of my redpoint attempts on this amazing 8a in Margalef, then a review of this Years Youth Climbing Competition Series and finally a review of what Performance Climbing Coaching is.

I hope you enjoy the new website and hopefully see you climbing soon!